Infinix today launched the ZERO BOOK laptop series in India. This series is powered by the latest 12th Gen Intel Core H processors and 96EU Iris Xe Graphics integrated graphics card, ideal for heavy data processing, programming, video editing, image design and other graphics scenarios. demanding work. The ZERO BOOK laptop series has a meteoric phase design and an all-metal body with a thickness of 16.9mm.
Infinix ZERO BOOK is equipped with the latest 12th Generation Intel Core H-series processors and comes in three processor variants (i9, i7 and i5). The laptops are integrated with a powerful 96EU Iris Xe graphics card and are also backed by a PCIe 4.0 SSD, for higher input/output operations per second (IOPS) and potentially lower power consumption, as claimed the brand.
These laptops come with Unique Over Boost Switch which turns the device into three different modes: Eco mode (to maximize battery life), Balance mode (to maintain stability between over boost mode and eco mode ) and Over boost mode (to deliver higher performance than 54W output power when using heavy software). The red tail light on the hinge of the device ensures that the over boost mode is active.
ZERO BOOK series comes with all connectivity ports including SD slot, 3.5mm earphone slot and USB 3.0 slot. It also comes with the latest Wi-Fi 6E protocol with 6 GHz support and offers a speed of up to 9.6 Gbps with Bluetooth 5.2. The series also features a dual-mic array with AI noise cancellation that not only captures the user’s voice clearly but also blocks out unwanted background noise, as the brand claims.
These laptops sport a 15.6-inch display with ultra-clear Full HD resolution with 400 NITS peak brightness and 100% sRGB color reproduction. Visualization is further enhanced by a balanced Quad Array audio feature that ensures crisp high tones and heavy bass with 2 x 2 watt high frequency speakers at the bottom and 2 x 1 watt low frequency speakers at the front. There is a fingerprint sensor on the power button of laptops.
The ZERO Book series is equipped with a 70Wh high capacity battery which is supported by a 96 watt super fast charger, DC charger, which can charge laptops in nearly 2 hours.
ZERO BOOK laptops will be available on Flipkart with introductory introductory price starting from 49,990 for i5, 64,990 for i7, 79,990 for i9 (16GB) and 84,990 for i9 (1TB).