Moth+Flame launches AI-powered VR authoring tool for creating custom enterprise VR training content

A new VR authoring tool has the potential to accelerate enterprise VR adoption this year. Invesco, a global investment firm, recently launched a virtual reality training experience that it customized using Moth+Flame’s new VR authoring tool. Taking only 72 hours to develop, this personalized VR training gives us a glimpse of the vast potential that the new VR tool offers.

Moth+Flame VR Authoring Tool solves the challenges of VR content creation

In one of PwC’s most recent surveys, 51% of companies have integrated VR into at least one specific line of business or are in the process of integrating VR into their processes. Many companies are also seeing the benefits of virtual reality as an effective way to develop and train people.

While the adoption of virtual reality in enterprises is steadily increasing, companies are facing several challenges that hinder the integration of virtual reality. Among these are the long development time and the level of expertise needed to create VR content.

Moth+Flame, a virtual reality technology platform specializing in enterprise-grade immersive learning solutions, is addressing some of these challenges to accelerate virtual reality adoption.

Ushering in a year of great leaps forward in technology development, Moth+Flame has launched a new VR authoring tool that leverages generative artificial intelligence. The new tool allows users to create custom VR content faster and easier. It enables metaverse content creators and enterprise users to accelerate the development and adoption of virtual reality across industries.

Enable novice users to create immersive VR content

Built on an advanced AI-powered platform, the VR authoring tool generates immersive training content that looks hyper-realistic and engaging. Voice-activated features prompt users to speak to navigate the training scenario. The interactive and immersive experience enhances training as it reinforces learning objectives and improves knowledge retention.

Thanks to its user-friendly interface, the platform can be used for VR content creation even by novice users with little or no technical expertise. Drag-and-drop editors and 3D asset libraries help users create high-quality, immersive experiences. Multi-user support enables collaboration within teams and across learning and development departments. All of these features allow companies to revamp existing training or create new ones that are more engaging and effective.

Invesco uses Moth+Flame VR authoring tool to create VR training

The Moth+Flame VR authoring tool is still in beta, but it has already shown how it can revolutionize the use of VR at the enterprise level. Invesco, the first early access user to bring this technology to workforce development, has shown the benefits the tool brings to corporate training.

See also: Immerse launches VR in a BOX for simplified corporate VR training

Last week, Invesco launched its new VR training which was built using the Moth+Flame authoring tool. While the average development time for a VR training program is around eight to ten weeks, Invesco was able to build its own in just 72 hours. In addition, they were able to create VR content tailored to their specific needs.

The new VR training is designed to help Invesco’s trading team manage customer complaints and concerns. Sales reps use VR headsets to practice conversations with customers in realistic simulated scenarios. By adopting the Moth+Flame authoring tool, Invesco can generate additional immersive training experiences across its enterprise.

“The biggest challenge for all of education is the scale of content creation. Much corporate training is limited to low-scoring e-learning products due to limitations of scale,” said Kevin Cornish, CEO of Moth+Flame. “Much of corporate training is limited to low-scoring e-learning products due to limitations of scale. With this tool, companies will be able to extend their content creation to all use cases in virtual reality, the most effective training modality available. »

Paving the way for rapid adoption of virtual reality in enterprises

Invesco, along with other global brands, is currently implementing VR training to maximize efficiency in the workplace. With Moth+Flame’s new VR authoring tool, companies have access to cutting-edge technology that enables them to create immersive VR training. They can easily create VR content and deploy it to their staff on iOS or VR headsets. With solutions like this authoring tool, we can expect rapid enterprise-level adoption of VR across industries.

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