Ever since rumors first surfaced that Apple was working on a mixed reality headset, it’s been speculated that immersive video will be a key feature of the device. Still, we never really knew exactly how it would work – until now.
That’s because Apple just got a patent (USPTO number 11570417) that details how a user can watch video content while wearing the headset, which will supposedly be dubbed Reality Pro. And this patent lays out an intriguing system that could have uses beyond just video.
The patent describes how the headset could take into account the user’s head position and show them content based on that position. If the user’s head or gaze moves – for example, if they look left or tilt their head down – the headset viewport will change accordingly.
The effect could be like looking through a window, where you see different segments of a larger screen depending on where your eyes fall. Apple’s patent uses the metaphor of a headset user surrounded by a globe, with its current viewport representing a segment of that globe.
Apple’s patent explains that this system could allow Reality Pro to learn where a user is looking and improve video fidelity in that area while displaying less graphically intensive content around the user’s peripheral vision. This could save processing power, thereby extending the battery life of the headset.
A clever idea with multiple uses
Other uses of the technology could include adjusting resolutions and bitrates based on where a user is watching or adding content to a buffer based on where the headset predicts the user will then look.
Besides video, this system could also work well with virtual reality games, adding a new level of immersion. As your character moves, for example, you can look left or right and the headset will adjust both the content you see and its visual fidelity accordingly.
It’s a smart idea and reminds of something we’ve heard before. In January 2022, display industry analyst Ross Young explained that the Reality Pro could use three display panels: two for your front gaze and one for peripheral vision. The peripheral panel would run at a lower resolution and be slightly blurry, helping you focus on the screens on the front.
Incidentally, the patent contains drawings of a helmet that resemble the supposed designs. It also depicts a strap going over the top of a person’s head, which hasn’t been shown in many renders (if any). However, since the illustrations are just meant to be examples, we probably shouldn’t read too much into them.
Apple’s next headset is said to be a premium device packed with cutting-edge technology, including high-resolution displays, hand and eye tracking, and virtual reality and augmented reality capabilities. This tech will come with a hefty price tag though – rumored $3,000.
The Reality Pro is expected to be unveiled at a special spring event hosted by Apple. With the announced release date just a few months away, expectations are rising for the headset. Time will tell if patents like this will help it live up to those expectations and avoid becoming an expensive flop, as some have warned.
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